In the framework of the OLIVO Project, Agricultural University of Tirana and Urban Research Institute in close cooperation with its partners has realized:
✅3 Community Maps for Ndroqi, Marikaj and Preza as the 3 pilot area of Albania
The Cross Border OL project will contribute to the promotion of sustainable tourism activities and the preservation and protection of natural resources in areas with ancient olive trees and to restore the awareness of local populations about their cultural heritage associated with traditional olive culture, by activate a process of setting local development strategies.
For more about map galeri go te multimedia on web: https://crossborderol.italy-albania-montenegro.eu/multimedia
#AgriculturalUniversityofTirana #urbanresearchinstitute #Italy #IstitutoAgronomicoMediterraneoBariCIHEAM #Parcodell '# OlivodiVenafro
#Montenegro #OpstinaBar #Udruzenjezaodrzivirazvoj,
#VALDANOS # OpštinaBar
#Interreg_CROSS #CrossBorderOl #ancientolivetree #crosborderproject #crosborderol #crossborderoliveproject