The Community Map of the Regional Park of the Olivo di Venafro is a drawing of the landscape where the collective memory and the events of 2000 years of history are imprinted. In the exhibition context some of the Latin authors appear, such as Orazio, Plinio and Catone who praised the olive oil of Venafro, up to the current uses of the territory, in a synthesis that justifies the important recognition of the place, as Rural landscape, historic of Italy promoted by the Italian Ministry of agricultural policies.
The Park area was also used as set of the historic italian movie "la legge è legge" interpreted by the famous italian actor Totò in 1958 and the two figures on the top of the map represent an image of that movie.
#AgriculturalUniversityofTirana #urbanresearchinstitute #Italy #IstitutoAgronomicoMediterraneoBariCIHEAM #Parcodell '#OlivodiVenafro
#Montenegro #OpstinaBar #Udruzenjezaodrzivirazvoj,
#Interreg_CROSS #CrossBorderOl #ancientolivetree #crosborderproject #crosborderol #crossborderoliveproject
Ente Parco Regionale dell'Olivo di Venafro