The Closing Meeting for Albania of the CROSS BORDER Ol project took place in Tirana, Albania on the 25th of March 2021. The Event took place at the premises of the Agricultural University of Albania. Due to the restrictions imposed by the Albanian Government for the Pandemic caused by COVID19, the meeting took place outdoor. The meeting was organized as an hybrid event which part of the meeting were held physically at the Universiteti Bujqësor i Tiranës - Faqja Zyrtare premises and the colleagues from CIHEAMBari were connected online via ZOOM.
Mr. Fatbardh Sallaku the Rector of AUT, as the lead partner representative emphasized the importance of such projects for the promotion and sustainable development of rural areas in Albania but also in Italy and Montenegro.
This event was organized to present to the key actors of the pilot areas in Albania the documents as follow:
1. Good practices
2. Local economic development plans, tourism, environment, etc.
3. Community maps which will serve to develop a smart and sustainable tourism that helps the local economy.
Mr. Pandeli Pasko, CIHEAM Bari Project Coordinator, delivered the closing speech in which he described all the stages of the project as well as his achievements by emphasizing the opportunities for other co-operation to promote tourism of these areas. He also thanked project partners from Ente Parco Regionale Storico Agricolo Dell’olivo Di Venafro, Italy, Municipality of Bar, and Association for Sustainable Regional Olive Farming – VALDANOS, Montenegro.
#AgriculturalUniversityofTirana #urbanresearchinstitute #Italy #IstitutoAgronomicoMediterraneoBariCIHEAM #ParcodellOlivodiVenafro
#Montenegro #OpstinaBar #Udruzenjezaodrzivirazvoj,
#Interreg_CROSS #CrossBorderOl #ancientolivetree #crosborderproject #crosborderol #crossborderoliveproject